Monday, May 13, 2013

Products That Help With Oily Skin!

I am one of many who suffer from excessive oils on my skin. I have had acne and oil problems for more than 6 years and over time I have learned how to cope with it.

The first product is No7's Beautifully Matte Make Up Base. This is a makeup primer. I usually apply this after I washed and moisturized my face. I apply this to my T-Zone before putting on any more makeup. I find this product helps a lot with controlling oils on my face. Ultimately I don't have to blot as much or touch up my makeup as much.

Next, after I have applied all of my facial makeup, I close my eyes and spray a few spritz of NYX's Matte Finish spray. I was skeptical of a finishing spray at first. It didn't seem logical to spray something wet on freshly powdered skin, but this product rocks! Once applied, I dab my face off and I let it sit for a while to soak into my skin. This also does a great job of combating oil throughout the day.

These two products together really aid in oil control throughout the day. I do have to blot about halfway through the day, but it is a noticeable improvement. Give these products a try if you also have oily skin!

Big Changes

Since I wrote my first post, some MAJOR changes have happened in my life! One expected, one not so expected.

Firstly, as eluded in my last post, I graduated college (5/4/2013)! I've known this was coming for three years and it was very exciting for it to finally happen. The day was overall very underwhelming, however, since I am stuck in limbo. It is definitely an accomplishment, but it was not easy to relish in my success since all I have to show for it is a piece of paper I won't receive until July!
*waiting to walk*

*at the College of Business celebration*

Next, my boyfriend of almost four years PROPOSED (4/23/2013)! We looked at rings about a month earlier so it wasn't completely out of left field. We were hanging out at his place just talking and spending time together. Then he got up, reached into the tallest part of his closet, and pulled out the box. He gave his spiel on one knee. His heart was pitter-pattering loud so I knew he was being genuine (He had a similar physical reaction when he asked me to prom years earlier). I said yes, of course.
We went out to dinner after we called our families and friends to tell them the news. The meal was absolutely horrid, but we were in our little bubble of happiness so it didn't matter!
I am in the process of writing reviews for some products I have been loving lately, so keep an eye out!